2008년 8월 26일 화요일

creation • fall • redemption

There are many creation surfacing through out the novel. For Patrick, meeting Patrick, Alice, and Hana is a creation of new relationship, which also symbolizes his new chapter of life. His childhood memories are creation as well, because he often goes back to his past for connections in the present situations he faces. For Caravaggio meeting Gianetta is creation for a new phase of life. Friendship with Alice is a creation for Clara. Their relationship of intimacy seem to ease, and fulfill (at least in some aspects of their life) them. 
Patrick's falls are evident in the novel. Patrick's initial fall occurs when his father, Hazen Lewis,  dies without passing down any tradition, which may be the reason why Patrick have trouble finding his identity. When Clara leaves Patrick for Ambrose Patrick is in a mess for years. Alice's death causes anger, thus burning the hotel and going to jail. He goes through physical and emotional breakdown. Ambrose death cause fall and creation for Clara. His death forces Clara to leave him yet creates the reunion between Patrick hence the potential of a deeper relationship between Clara and Patrick.
Redemption/restoration is found in Nicholas as he changes his occupation from a labor worker to a baker. It seems like he finally pulled it together by establishing a bakery, which he always wanted to do if he had the ability. Caravaggio seeks his restoration through escape. As he escapes from jail he finds a better person in him, a faithful and loyal husband. Ambrose death applies as redemption/restoration for Clara, because it forces her to break from the chain of superficial life, where money and status is what matters. However, Harris letting go of Patrick is the biggest redemption/restoration in the novel, because it morphed Patrick in subtle, yet in a dramatic way. It is clear that the way Patrick viewed life has changed from sad/anger to possibilities and hope.

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